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It would appear that certain statistics have finally brought to light the dangers of opiate abuse in Quebec. However, anyone working in addiction treatment or drug rehab centers would be able to conclude how dangerous it is to play around with dangerous drugs like heroin, morphine, oxys, and other opiates. But the recent investigation, as reported in the “Journal de Montreal,” has concluded the rise in opiate-related deaths in the province of Quebec.
A study shows that in a bit over a decade, the rise in opiate-related deaths has increased by 10% and peaked at an average of 136 to 140 deaths per year, enough to cause alarm. It is also noteworthy to mention that according to these studies, Canada is the second country with the highest level of opiate consumption in the world. It is additionally stated that Quebec is the highest prescriber of Dilaudid and OxyCotin, including other pain suppressors such as Tylenol and Demerol.
But one should not think that all the deaths were from illicit drug abuse either. There are those people who with prescription drugs do not follow the ordinance or mix their medication with other drugs or alcohol. The most common problem with pain relief prescriptions is that these are usually very addictive, and next is the body’s ability to build a tolerance to their effects. Anyone suffering from physical pain will seek out some form of relief and will discover that some drug will bring about a temporary relief to such unwanted physical pain, at least until the drug wears off. Then another dose is required, but in some cases, the person will not follow the ordinance and will double or triple their doses.
Opiates are intended to depress the central nervous system and respiratory system to aid the person in healing from some injury. Anyone abusing this use is tampering with the purpose and can cause great harm to their body. The age group noted in Quebec with the highest level of opiate-related deaths due to misuse of the ordinance was the 50 to 64 age group. This is mainly due to the person’s intolerance to physical pain and wanting instant relief, physician unaware of the person on other prescriptions, or mixing two and more prescriptions. If the pain is not dealt with instantly, a person will go to extremes to ease their unwanted condition and have been known to buy pain drugs off the black market. This is now a drug addiction.
Family physicians and pharmacists should really think about their actions when advising to take pain drugs or prescribe Oxycodone or even Percocet. There are other ways to help ease someone’s discomfort, and these methods should be researched and supported. It is a known fact that the body is constructed from proteins, vitamins, and various minerals; it is unlikely you would find naturally occurring in the body the chemicals found in Tylenol, Percocet, or any other pain suppressor drugs.
If we want a better Canada for future generations, attention should focus on education, especially for physical and emotional pain. Educate people on other options and what natural solutions are available. The opiate death rate will possibly decrease and counter opiate drug use and abuse. We can then create a better Canada.
Source: Journal de Montreal
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