Treatment Approaches & Settings in Canada

Canada offers a wide range of substance misuse treatment options, making the task of selecting the right center quite daunting.

A solid first step is starting with a good understanding of the available options. You’ll find overviews of the most prevalent program types and links for further details here.

Recovery approaches can vary in their effectiveness for different individuals. Programs yield more favourable outcomes when tailored to the specific needs, challenges, and beliefs of those seeking help. 

Nonetheless, there are treatment programs that consistently produce more positive results, regardless of the individual’s circumstances.

Continue reading to explore the available methods in this country. Please don’t hesitate to call us if you need assistance or have any questions.

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Types of Addiction Services

Detox Programs

Detox Program (Regular)

Regular detox is a method in which the person will enter a live-in program to stop using their particular drug of choice. In most cases, the person receives daily interviews to encourage them through their detox and seek further help. This type of detox will generally take between 3 to 10 days. You can read more on regular detox here.

Medical Detox

A medical detox service applies when a person is on prescription medication for a physical condition and uses illicit drugs or alcohol. It is a service with 24-hour medical supervision. Health professionals must wean the person carefully off the lethal combination before rehabilitation can start.

It has much to do with a person’s physical condition. Such drugs as methadone, “Benzo” type medications, Morphine, Oxycontin, Percocet, and other pain suppressant drugs alone or combined may require monitoring blood pressure and heart rate to avoid seizures and other complications. Treatment specialists will often recommend a person with substantial or long-term alcohol abuse a medically assisted detox. Find out more about this type of withdrawal. 

Stay-at-Home Programs

Outpatient Programs

Outpatient is just that. The person is not required to stay at the facility where services are delivered. The person lives at home but must show up at various counselling sessions. Usually, non-residential programs are publicly sponsored; a few are private. They assist someone who may have a very hectic lifestyle and can only free up a few hours per week. It is suitable for someone with a light addiction problem. More on outpatient or residential programs here

Online Recovery Coaching

A unique virtual service that we deliver. It focuses on applying life skills to obtain results in their application. The individual becomes aware of how the world around them affects them and how they affect the world. The person learns methods to increase their survival potential and achieve the goal of being in control, by choice, over drugs or alcohol consumption. Find out more about recovery coaching here

Residential Treatments

Long-term Program

Many drug rehab types considered “long-term” begin at eight weeks and can be as long as two years. Residential means the person stays on the premises. The program will often include daily chores or community atmospheres where each will contribute to the group.

Other residential treatments will have a curriculum much like school or college, with morning, afternoon, and evening activities. A long-term treatment program may include medical service advisers and addiction counsellors. 

Short-term Program 

When referring to short-term treatments, the drug rehabilitation center in question usually delivers a 21 to 30-day program. These are treatment programs that deal with addiction in various methodologies, including 12-step programs and group counselling.

Despite it being short-term, the person stays at the facility. You can find out more about short-term and long-term rehab types here

Counselling Services

Group Counselling

In group therapy, participants share and discuss problems and concerns and work toward resolving them. A trained addiction counsellor monitors the session and ensures smooth and productive communication within the group. The aim is to heighten the awareness of the individual’s issues by talking and sharing with others. One can see that they are not alone in living with life issues and can help others by the same token.

One-on-One Counselling

The facilities offering this service will generally give one to two sessions weekly with a certified addiction counsellor. The counsellor listens and helps the individual with their life issues. They also work with the person to work through difficult situations. There is more about these types of counselling here

Treatment Approach

Religious-Based Treatments

These programs provide a religious foundation for addiction recovery at the forefront. Spiritual advisors offer counselling and guidance to help clients find peace through faith. Peer support is also integral to faith-based treatments, and group meetings are also part of treatment. For example, this could include Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous. Read more on religious type programs here.

Twelve Steps Methods

The twelve-step program is the most practiced rehab type worldwide.

Alcoholics Anonymous initially created this concept in the mid-1930s. Nowadays, the format applies to other groups experiencing difficulty with addiction or compulsive behaviour. Many facilities will use the 12-step program along with other methods. Inpatient and outpatient programs alike can use the 12-step approach. Here, you can read more on the 12-step

Maintenance Therapies

Replacements and maintenance programs were established throughout the country to address the problem of substance abuse. By definition, it is a medical treatment that involves replacing an illegal substance, such as heroin, with a longer-acting but less euphoric opioid; methadone or buprenorphine are some of the drugs prescribed. Follow the link to get more information on this treatment method

Biophysical Approach

The Biophysical approach to addiction is a natural addiction treatment program handling the condition using various natural supplements and exercise; the body rebuilds to a healthier state. It can, at times, include a psychological or mental balance, such as some yoga or meditative practices to bring about a more relaxed state of mind to overcome addiction and is often drug-free. More on this treatment method here

Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment

Cognitive-behavioural treatment (CBT) is used to overcome substance abuse. It uses tools to change addictive habits through various exercises and educational means. It is about getting the person to change their thinking and behaviour. This method is available through residential or outpatient treatments and can be government-funded in some areas. Learn more about CBT here

Contingency Management

Contingency management (CM) is a behaviour modification intervention that reinforces wanted behaviours through motivation or reward.

It includes techniques such as choice and preference assessments, community reinforcement approach, family training, and more. Learn more about this therapy here

Harm Reduction & Abstinence-Based

The Harm Reduction model’s main concern is reducing substance use’s harmful effects. It starts with assessing the harm to the person if they were to cut off all substances completely.

The abstinence-based treatment model addresses substance use disorders with the primary goal of complete and sustained abstinence from substances. This approach is grounded in the belief that the most effective way to overcome addiction is to completely refrain from using mind-altering substances—more on these treatment types

Addiction Treatment Settings

There are also different settings for treatment throughout Canada. Among these, you can find:

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