Assistance in Finding

Private Drug Rehab & Detox for Moncton

First, we want to mention that we are not a treatment facility. We help families in Moncton or elsewhere find affordable treatment centres. We can guide you if you are searching for a Moncton addiction treatment or a detox centre. Speak with a professional referral addiction counsellor for options. Find out more about us here.

Dealing with addiction causes a lot of upset, confusion, anxiety, and many other emotions. We can help you find peace of mind.

Recovery from substance abuse is possible. It requires the right treatment program. We know of good private facilities servicing Moncton residents. We do not represent any particular centre, which means we work for you, not a facility. And we work across Canada.

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1 888-488-8434
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our form here.

Moncton Addiction Treatment & Detox Centres

Public Access Facilities

Getting help from a public access facility is often met with too much red tape. Interviews for assessments and waitlists abound. When a person is suffering and ready for help, the one thing you can’t do is have them wait for a lengthy time. Unfortunately, in Moncton, as in other cities across the nation, families are made to wait. Sometimes, a physician’s or addiction counsellor’s note can hurry admission. But looking into alternatives is always a good thing and can become THE solution to the problem.

The field of rehabilitation is no stranger to our referral counsellors, with their many years of experience. They can help you. The situation is the same whether you live in Moncton or elsewhere. Most families have no clue where to start. Sometimes, the person has not yet come to you for help. You are riddled with worry and unsure of what to do. There are ways to deal with it.

Further reading:

The Right Drug Rehabilitation Service

Residential Drug Rehab Vs Addiction Counselling

Someone in Moncton may feel their problem does not require the services of a residential treatment or even a detox centre. The person feels their control slipping and wants to do something about it. They need help. 

An addiction counsellor might be the right fit. They can still go to work or school while they work on the problem. But the degree of abuse has much to do with this approach.

We have an alternative to this. While people needed the most help during the pandemic, we developed an online coaching service. It comprises virtual, one-on-one sessions in the comfort of your home in Moncton, given by a Drug & Alcohol Treatment Specialist.

Our service is for those who want to regain more control or need assistance quitting altogether. It can be appropriate for someone needing stability after completing a drug rehab program. 

These virtual addiction recovery sessions have proven to help recover control and give a new outlook on life. You can read their testimonial here.

Addiction Treatment Moncton

The Addicted Person Refusing Help

We see the following situation occurring quite often in Moncton and other places. The addicted person refuses any type of help except financial support. It is a double edge sword for families. You don’t want the person to suffer or to live on the street. Offering financial aid will not solve the problem.

A family member can do more harm than good in this type of circumstance. We strongly suggest you read more on this subject. It can make a big difference.

 Cellphone & drink.

Other options are available to families in this situation. Of course, no one should enable a substance abuser, and the family should gather and devise a plan to really help the individual. Drug and alcohol intervention can be the solution. A well-planned intervention can save a life.

A mother and a son arguing.

Moncton Addiction Treatment

What is Relapse?

Sometimes a person will relapse after a program. It is an occurrence that is much more frequent than what we would want as a society. Many are discouraged and feel doomed to live a life enslaved by drugs or alcohol because of their “failure.” There are specific reasons a person relapses. 

Moncton treatment centres do exist, but they may or may not fit the bill. For example, a Moncton detox may not be enough. There are many good private rehab centres for Moncton. What they deliver and their specialty should be considered. Each person is an individual with personal issues that need to be addressed.

When you Call Us From Moncton

We are a helpline in New Brunswick and across the country. The first step when you call will be a preliminary assessment of the situation. They will then propose options suited to your needs. Going to the proper facility with a program tailored to your loved one will significantly increase the chance of sobriety.

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1 888-488-8434
Speak to a live agent

Or Contact us through
our form here.

For Moncton public access rehab and detox:

Health New Brunswick for Moncton, or

Teen Challenge Atlantic
(men only, 12-month program)
PO Box 911, Moncton, New Brunswick
(506) 758-2377


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