A woman smoking and drinking

The True Nature of Drugs & Alcohol

Degrees of Effects of Drugs and Alcohol An individual begins down a non-survival path with the use of drugs or alcohol to solve problems. Problems in their most stripped-down view are something countering or opposing something else. Drugs are basically poisons: a little bit of it speeds you up, a

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Substance misuse

Do it Yourself Detox

Home Detox! What Does it Take? Over the years, we have received thousands of calls, and many of these are from parents, spouses and pretty much anyone seeking to help another who is struggling to overcome their addiction. Drugs and alcohol are quite common in our present society, and there

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Man feeling anxious
Drug Rehabilitation

Addiction, Depression & Anxiety

Addiction, a Fascinating and Sometimes Complex Subject The subject of addiction is a fascinating and, at times, complex subject. This is also true of depression and anxiety. This complexity is more evident for anyone not familiar with the various facets of addiction, depression, and anxiety. Most addiction counsellors have been

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mother and son arguing.
Substance misuse

Dealing with a Person with an Addiction

Dealing and Talking to an Addicted Person One of the most challenging things for a family member to face is the drug addiction of their son or daughter, husband, or wife. This extends to close relatives and includes friends of the family. How do you deal with a person suffering

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Substance misuse

Increased Substance Use During COVID

Heightened Fear of Relapse and Overdose Whether you are a regular drug user needing help, someone in recovery, or you’re watching someone vanish in the abyss of addiction, the past two years have been indescribable. Managing the insanity of the pandemic has not been easy for anyone with a history

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Paraphernalia for meth labs.

The Dangers of Crystal Meth

Crystal Meth and its Dangers If you do not know what a Crystal meth lab looks like, maybe this may give you a bit of an idea. Picture a beautiful spring morning when you walk outside to get a good whiff of fresh spring air, and you receive a pungent

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Eyes of a woman crying
Substance misuse

Through the Eyes of an Addicted Person

Through the Eyes of a Person with an Addiction Your son is abusing cocaine, your daughter is sniffing heroin, your wife is abusing her pain meds, and possibly your husband is polishing off a case of beer a day or 26oz of liquor. Maybe it is a close relative or

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A crowd going up stairway
Drug Rehabilitation

Public Access Services in Canada

Public Access Services I have been in the field of substance abuse, helping others since 1998. Having struggled with my addiction to illicit drugs, including hallucinogens, I have been drug and alcohol-free for over 20 years. Throughout my career, I have seen almost every type of substance abuse in our

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Blue surgical mask
Substance misuse

Addiction and Compromised Health

Addiction; Viruses and Degrading Health In such a time as this, where global attention is on the coronavirus, it’s appropriate to increase awareness of a similar issue such as addiction. When a person abuses illicit drugs or alcohol, health is compromised.  People who fall ill with viruses such as colds,

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Prescription bottle

Decriminalization: The Opioid Crisis Resolved

Will decriminalization handle the Opioid crisis? Well, to answer this question, it would help to know something about what the Opioid crisis or epidemic really is. According to various sources offered through Google News Alert, there are reported statistics of something on the order of 10,300 overdose death related to

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Girl on a dock
Substance misuse

A Common Drug Story

The Addiction of a Young Lady When Lorie was a child, she was wonderful. She smiled and laughed, played with her toys, and made her mom and dad smile every day. She was good at school, had friends, and did well up to high school. Here, things were a bit

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Bottle with white pills and powder.

OxyNEO or OxyContin

A New Form of Relief This new form of pain relief is Canada’s solution to an addiction epidemic found with OxyContin abusers. Within the last decade, it was observed that OxyContin and Oxycodone, prescribed as opiate pain relief for those suffering from some operation or injury, have been on the

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Canadian flag in the wind.

Prescription Drug Abuse – Federal Support

Federal Support for Prescription Drugs Abuse Prescription drug abuse is a major concern these days in our society, with many thousands of kids and adults now abusing prescription drugs. This only recently became a social problem. Beginning in 1995 when Oxycodone became available on the pharmaceutical market. It accounted for

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Man drinking a green liquid.
Drug Rehabilitation

Drug Substitution for Addiction Treatment

Harm Reduction Strategy We are all aware of the destructive nature that drug addiction can cause to family and friends. Over the past few decades, drug addiction has become one of society’s most growing health problems in every major city across Canada. With this growing problem, many health organizations have

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The word marijuana and blue smoke.

Marijuana: Driving Under the Influence

Marijuana and DUI A recent study by addiction researchers at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia found that people who drive under the influence of Marijuana are twice as likely to have a vehicle accident than people who are not under the influence. When you do a quick search on this

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Drug Rehabilitation

Cocaine Addiction New Treatment Research

Cocaine: A Social Problem Cocaine addiction has been a constant social problem for many decades as a recreational drug, whereas it was once a medicinal drug, this is no longer the case.  There are millions of people across Canada and the USA who struggle with this drug. Some, to such

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Man holding a rose at a funeral.

Opiate Related Death in Quebec

Overdoses in Quebec For immediate help with opiate addiction, call our toll-free number and talk to our referral counsellor today. They can help get the person enrolled in a drug rehab center in your area. It would appear that certain statistics have finally brought to light the dangers of opiate

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Several police in the street.

Drug Busts in Canada on the Rise

Drugs are more plentiful A recent publication by Jennifer Yang a Global health reporter states that Canadian researchers find illegal drugs more plentiful despite police seizures. Cocaine, cannabis, and heroin are more plentiful and powerful than ever, despite a global increase in drug seizures. US and Canadian researchers look at

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