Long-term residential treatment programs offer an extended stay of about 4 to 12 months. Most residential drug and alcohol treatment centers have a community setting and provide 24-hour care. Residents and staff interact together in a social context without the influence of drugs or alcohol, which is part of the recovery process. It focuses on the individual’s preparation and re-entry into society.
The aim is to help develop accountability, responsibility, and productivity. Some offer services, such as employment training. All long-term addiction is a serious condition and may take some time for the individual to function drug-free.
The individual’s current situation will determine the best method of recovery for that person. A person with a long-standing addiction will need more care and time to ensure the best chance at sobriety. It is not only a question of withdrawing from the substance of choice but reacquainting the individual with society and building solid values and integrity. Also, one needs to recognize a trigger and how to deal with it. Another situation would be a teenager who has used drugs most of his life. Unlike most of us, he did not have the privilege of growing within society, “learning the ropes” and establishing sound living.
There are many advantages to a long-term rehabilitation program. First, because of the length, it gives the person a fighting chance to change their life habits and find better coping mechanisms. Second, it avoids facing stressful life situations on their own that would otherwise trigger them to use.
Moreover, it will allow the person to live sober for an extended period while getting in-depth counselling. In the same fashion, the person being away from the area where one uses permits breaking free from bad influences. One didn’t get addicted overnight. So it’s very plausible that recovery from addiction can take time. Sobriety has a better chance with an excellent residential long-term program.
Most long-term residential treatments will have a well-structured program. It will include various facets, like daily counselling, group activities, personal reflection time, physical exercise, and daily chores. Centers vary from one another. An excellent treatment method will address the reasons behind the condition and give the person some social structure and discipline. Also, depending on the facility, it may or may not have a medical team onsite. However, there is always a health coordinator or off-campus liaison to medical personnel.
The minimum time that one can expect to spend in a long-term residential treatment program is no less than two months. Anything below that amount of time would more likely be considered short-term treatment.
But deciding whether you or the person you want to help should do a long-term or short-term is only part of the issue. The program method that best suits the person’s philosophy is also an important factor. Be sure to have all of your questions answered before deciding on a short or long-term drug rehab facility.
We have a consultation service if you are uncertain or need help choosing a treatment program or facility. You can give us a call or request a callback. Our referral addiction counsellors can do assessments and determine with you the best approach to recovery.
Our experienced addiction specialists, in the field since 1998, aim to provide cost-effective solutions for families.
ARC Services – 447 Sauriol, Qc, Qc, G1E 3M4