Abed next to a window.

Residential Treatments

Long-term Program

Many drug rehab types considered “long-term” begin at eight weeks and can be as long as two years. Residential means the person stays on the premises. The program will often include daily chores or community atmospheres where each will contribute to the group.

Other residential treatments will have a curriculum much like school or college, with morning, afternoon, and evening activities. A long-term treatment program may include medical service advisers and addiction counsellors. 

Short-term Program 

When referring to short-term treatments, the drug rehabilitation center in question usually delivers a 21 to 30-day program. These are treatment programs that deal with addiction in various methodologies, including 12-step programs and group counselling.

Despite it being short-term, the person stays at the facility. You can find out more about short-term and long-term rehab types here


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