People find a great challenge in getting alcohol addiction help in Toronto or any other city in the world. The primary fact to recognize is that alcohol, as a mind-altering substance, has been travelling the earth since 7000 – 6500 BCE.
The fact that alcohol traces can be found in some pottery from a long time ago tells us that its use has been passed down from one civilization to the next. Alcohol problems have been a factor in society, modern or otherwise, for a long time. Treatment for it took on many different aspects.
Our current society is not different and alcohol is more than ever present as you will see below.
The first challenge is the one the alcohol abuser must deal with. Anyone who has begun to drink socially and continue will discover the difficulty in stopping. The reason that stopping on one’s own is a challenge is due to some factors.
The above are not the only reasons but can be seen to be most prevalent.
The next challenge is the environment itself. Let’s face it: alcohol is everywhere; you find it in gas stations, your corner convenience store, restaurants, every sports event, funerals and weddings.
In fact, it is used both to celebrate great success and drown out failures. The challenge to stop consuming alcohol with all these factors requires quite the decision and determination on the part of those wanting to stop.
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Another point of concern is that as of September 2024, beer, wine, cider, and other alcoholic beverages can be found in local grocers. Since October 31st, alcoholic beverages have also been available in big-box grocery stores. This significant change makes alcohol even more available to the Toronto population. In Toronto, the percentage of adults drinking was 4.9% in 2017 and has increased since the pandemic.
A post from City News dated November 2024 noted that the number of DUIs is on the rise. According to the OPP report of 2023, DUI charges rose to 11,142. This is a 9% increase from 2022 and a 17% increase from 2021.
The troubles associated with alcohol consumption are not unknown to families with relatives struggling with their drinking. Many spouses, children and relatives see their lives change a great deal from another’s overconsumption of alcohol.
If you live in Toronto and are seeking help to stop drinking, you may have come face to face with some challenges. The foremost problem with getting alcohol addiction help in Toronto is entering a detox program. The first step towards this is to set up an appointment with the detox program assessment officer. This is normally not your walk-in clinic. You need an appointment. This assessment determines various aspects of alcohol consumption, health conditions, etc. The length of stay at a typical Toronto alcohol detox is 3 to 7 days.
Many clients are discharged after one overnight stay because there is so much demand for beds in a regular Toronto detox. In other words, once a hospital or detox determines you are no longer medically at risk, you may be discharged. The majority of detoxes don’t provide counselling or talk therapy.
It is important to note that detox is free in hospitals. If you are a resident of Ontario and have an Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) card, you are covered.
Withdrawal management (“detox”) services are available upon self or health provider referral. The Toronto Withdrawal Management Services System central access number (866-366-9513) is your connection to day community and residential withdrawal management services.
Once the Detox phase is completed, the person is normally added to a list for continued treatment, known as rehabilitation. In many circumstances, the person will be given a list of facilities and support resources to continue their recovery.
For those who would like to address the situation quickly, there is the option of going to a private detox and rehab treatment program. Normally, these private treatments will vary in price from as low as $10K to $12K and up to $20K or more. The price depends on the length of stay and room occupancy, and a big cost factor is luxury surroundings with additional amenities.
There are resources for alcohol addiction help in Toronto. It may require some determination on the part of the person. In the beginning, you may need to help the person with appointments, filling out forms, etc. You will need to be there to support and help the individual take the necessary steps. Later, they will be more self-reliant and follow through to achieve more stable sobriety.
In any case, Toronto can help its citizens with alcohol addiction, whether you decide to go with the public-sponsored or private facilities. The main point is to do something.
Substance Use Disorder & Recovery Professional,
Referral & Consultation Counsellor
Our experienced addiction specialists, in the field since 1998, aim to provide cost-effective solutions for families.
ARC Services – 447 Sauriol, Qc, Qc, G1E 3M4