In Alberta, alcohol is one of the most prominent substances used. Though one may not find specifically an alcohol rehab in Alberta, most rehabs do treat alcohol addiction.

It’s one thing to address a specific substance that a person is struggling with and to create a program intended to deal with that particular substance. It’s one thing to focus on a specific substance someone struggles with and design a program to address that particular issue. One will notice that the greater majority of substance abuse treatment centers in Alberta will address a wide variety of mind-altering substances.

However, while focusing on a single substance can be effective, a complete treatment plan should also consider underlying factors such as lifestyle and social influences to support long-term recovery.

Alcohol Use in Alberta

The government recently looked at expanding the sale of liquor to convenience stores. Advice from different sources suggested against it. Though this is one way to control sales, unfortunately, it does not prevent the use of alcohol.  It is noteworthy to state in a survey* of September 2020 that over 28% of Albertans said they now use more alcohol than prior to the pandemic.  

Whether there is a pandemic or not, alcohol has been a major player in all aspects of those living in Alberta. Even if the province is not the only one with a drinking issue, it shows some initiative to deal with the problem.

Reason Alcohol use is Predominant

Out of all the substances used, alcohol is the more predominant substance. Next is marijuana, and the list dwindles from there. Partly because alcohol is legal, it is socially acceptable and offered for pleasure or sorrow and everything in between.

You won’t see it promoted as a medical aid, whereas one will find medical uses for marijuana.

Alcohol Statistics in Alberta

Many Albertans will begin the use of alcohol as young as age 13 to 15. This then escalates through middle school and college years. In speaking with alcohol abusers across the country, most have started at an early age. It can escalate when a life trauma or severe loss occurs. This increase in use can also occur as the body becomes accustomed to the drinking amount as tolerance sets in. We can see tolerance as well when an increase in the percentage of alcohol per volume is consumed. For example, going from 5.5% to 17% to 22% and 40% over time to achieve the same result. The fact that it’s more accessible than any other substance is a contributing factor.

Alcohol Rehab Alberta

And Recognizing a Problem

It is important for Albertans to recognize the level of alcohol use in ourselves or a loved one. The following are signs and observations to note.

Stages of Alcohol Addiction

Early Stages:

  • Occasional binge drinking or drinking to cope with emotions.
  • Few outward signs but increased reliance on alcohol.

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Middle Stages:

  • Tolerance increases; drinking becomes a priority.
  • Noticeable neglect of responsibilities and relationships.
  • Physical and psychological dependence begins to develop.

Late Stages:

  • Inability to function without alcohol.
  • Risk of life-threatening withdrawal symptoms like delirium tremens (DTs).

Diagnosing Alcohol Use Disorder(AUD)

There are several measurements to diagnose AUD. Below are some of the notable signs of alcohol addiction:

  • Drinking despite consequences in health, family, friendship, work, lack of responsibilities and placing yourself in unsafe situations.
  • Trying to stop drinking but cannot.
  • Wanting a drink so badly that it becomes the only thought.
  • Giving up or cutting back on activities important or interesting to you.
  • Needing to drink much more to get the effect you want. Your usual number of drinks has much less impact than before.
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms like sleep disturbance, shaking, restlessness, nausea, sweating, a racing heart, or seizures.
  • More here
Alcohol rehab in Alberta, am I addicted a woman looking at a glass of wine.

Solution for Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol Rehab Alberta

The solution for alcohol abuse is straightforward: seek help from professionals in the field of substance abuse. It could be from an alcohol rehab in Alberta, an addiction counsellor, a health care professional, an interventionist, a social worker, etc.

There exist a variety of treatment approaches as well. One only needs to accept the help offered and decide enough is enough. If you find that your life is being controlled or taken over by someone’s alcohol abuse, you can find support. Services are available to help you and your loved one regain clarity and calm. Don’t suffer in silence. Reach out and talk with someone.

* Reference document: alcohol and cannabis use in Alberta

Picture of Marc J. Bernard

Marc J. Bernard

Substance Use Disorder & Recovery Professional,
Referral & Consultation Counsellor

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