Northwest Territories Private Addiction Centres

Call our toll-free number to get quick and professional help to locate private treatment centres servicing the Northwest Territories. Yellowknife and other cities in the NWT struggle with street drugs, alcohol, and medication abuse like other major cities across Canada.

We know how hectic and overwhelming addiction can be. We are independent agents working to help families find affordable drug and alcohol rehabs servicing NWT.

Dealing with a loved one with substance abuse is very difficult, especially with no immediate solution. Call us if you are looking for a Northwest Territories drug rehab centre in the private sector. We’ll be happy to serve you.

Read more about us here.

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1 888-488-8434
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N.W.T. & Local Addiction Services

As with other provinces and territories, many different addiction services exist serving the community. Often these will give support but do not have a complete residential program but outpatient programs, which is not for heavier cases. In contacting one of our referral addiction counsellors, you will have several options for treatment. With many years of experience in the field of drug and alcohol abuse, they will work with you to find the most suitable private treatment centre servicing the NWT.

Finding the right treatment program is the first step to lasting recovery. Rehabilitation requires commitment from the person, and when they can relate to the program, the chances of success are greater.

Drug Rehab Northwest Territories

Referral Counsellors Assistance

When talking about getting help for a loved one, we consider you will be working with a referral counsellor for guidance. Our referral counsellor will deliver a general assessment and get an overall picture of the existing situation with the person. From this, they can propose options for reputed private drug rehabs or detox centres for NWT. Most will be in the lower lands, which can be good. Being away from negative influences is a therapy in itself.

We intend to put you in direct contact with professional intake counsellors from a potential facility that can service your loved one.

There exist a variety of approaches to address substance abuse. Whether you need a 12-step program or faith-based or even holistic with cognitive behaviour type service, we can help. 

Over the years, we came to know a variety of private substance abuse treatment programs across Canada to service all needs. To get help in NWT,  contact one of our referral counsellors and get the process started.

You can learn more on the approaches and type of rehab in Canada by following the link  “MORE ON TREATMENTS”.

 Cellphone & drink.

Northwest Territories Drug Rehab – Wait Time

As you realize, waiting for help to arrive rarely does happen. The best way to help someone in the Northwest Territories is to do something about it. You have the power to change someone’s life now. You can give a person a fighting chance with excellent, affordable private addiction treatment services.

There is no waiting list, no extensive screening process, and, best of all, more one-on-one addiction counselling. So, to help someone in the Northwest Territories, the first action is to contact our referral counsellors. They will take your call with courtesy, privacy, and professionalism. Don’t wait for the dreaded phone. A referral counsellor is standing by if you are looking for a Northwest Territories drug rehab program act now.

We service across Canada.

Cynthia C.
"Very very helpful in a time of desperation. I highly recommend using their service. They have the knowledge and experience. When one place did not work out they very quickly recommended another which worked out perfectly."
Lisa B.
"Well, I'm not the best with words. I will do my best. My agent is the best person I've ever dealt with- she's been so professional, and patient and kind- and no one will ever understand how much she's helped me ..."
James B.
"The referral counsellor called me back and was extremely helpful. She talked to me, did a quick assessment and matched me up with a rehab center that I was looking for. "
Christopher A.
"They are in the business of saving lives and will stick by people to make sure they get the help they need. ARC Services should be the first number people call when they need help!"
Andrea R.
"As families are in crisis, they offer top services to ensure there loved one gets the proper help that they deserve. The addiction experts are friendly, knowledgeable, and will go above and beyond. We truly enjoy working together with ARC Services."
Luis A.
"Their knowledge, course materials and experience were a key element in my recovery. Their skills, compassion and patience helped me to go through the difficult process of early sobriety. I would recommend ARC services to anyone willing to stop using any mind altering substance."

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1 888-488-8434
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