Rehab Montreal

Find Affordable Drug and Alcohol Treatment

We are not a rehab centre. We are independent agents who help families find alternative options for addiction recovery in the private sector. When you call, a referral counsellor will answer. They have experience and will work with you to locate the right private centre servicing Montreal. If you are looking for a private drug or alcohol rehab in Montreal but getting nowhere, call us today!

Our services include:

  • We match the right treatment program with the individual’s specific needs.
  • It includes a free assessment and consultation from professionals and
  • Offer support and guidance for families in matters related to substance use disorder.
  • We also deliver Online Recovery Coaching for qualified applicants.

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1 888-488-8434
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Also, you will find tips and knowledge on this page on how to locate a treatment centre that is right for the person you want to help.

You can find out more about us here.

Public Access Drug Rehab Montreal

A Funded Option

You might be looking for a public access recovery service in Montreal. It can be a good choice depending on the severity of substance use disorder. Some funded centres will require the person to be substance-free several days before admission.

This admission condition is specific to drug and alcohol rehabs that are not set up for detox. What this means is that the person must remain sober after detox until a bed is made available in the chosen centre. It also entails that a detox facility must be found and gone through before the person’s admission.

Sometimes, and in certain areas, an individual can get admitted faster with a referral from a physician or an addiction counsellor. So please talk with your family doctor about this possibility in your region. For public facilities, you can find important contact information here or visit our Quebec Funded page for a listing.

Private and Public Access

Rehab Montreal – What You Can Find

Options depend on the drug of choice, addiction length, severity and medical condition. You can learn more about the different approaches and rehab types  by visiting “MORE ON TREATMENTS.”

Medical Detox Centre

Medical detox may be unnecessary in most cases. But detoxing from alcohol and certain other drugs may require this step.

Residential Drug Rehab

There are 30-day, 60-day, and 90-day residential programs; some can be a year or two.

Outpatient, Addiction Counselling or Coaching in Montreal

It is recommended for people who still function in everyday affairs and do not need the structure of a residential drug rehab.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Montreal

If you Call our Hotline

If you choose to call our line in Montreal, here is what will happen. Our referral counsellor will assess the substance use disorder over the phone. They will ask questions on the drug of choice, the length of the addiction, whether or not the person did a rehab before and any medical condition that could complicate the process.

From your answers, they will determine the level of addiction and be able to guide you to the appropriate help. They will suggest recovery programs, and with your consent, they will have the facility call you.

Our service is free and with no obligation on your part, we also service all of Quebec. We do not represent any particular facility, so we have no bias. We work for you and have your best interest at heart. If the chosen service doesn’t work out, another one can be suggested and contacted. You can call for help at any time.

 Cellphone & drink.

Bringing up the Subject of Rehab

Many families in Montreal have difficulties with a loved one with addiction. Getting someone to see the problem can be arduous. Arguments and heated discussions do occur with no results. It can be very frustrating and can generate sleepless nights and anxious days.

There are better ways to tackle the subject. In light of this, we’ve developed a series about interventions. You can read more on this by following the link “talking about rehab.” Feel free to explore the series.

Recommended readings:

Getting Support for Yourself, Family and Friends

Unfortunately, addiction can generate a lot of turmoil. Families in Montreal, as anywhere else, can be overwhelmed because of this situation. Feeling despair, hopeless, and unable to believe that things can ever change is often common.

You should consider seeking help and support for yourself and those around you. The Al-Anon/Alatenn and Na-Anon Groups help families better deal with the situation.

Members share their own experiences, strengths, and hopes with each other. Having others who share your feelings and frustrations, if not your exact situation, is what you’ll find.

You can visit these links to find meetings in Montreal.

Al-Anon Montreal (English meetings)

Nar-Anon Facebook (French)

In Conclusion

Drug & Alcohol Rehab Montreal The Right Service

Not everyone with a substance abuse problem needs a residential drug or alcohol rehab centre. The degree of addiction will determine what option is best suited for the person. As mentioned above, addiction counselling up to long-term rehab is available.

When calling a rehab in Montreal, ask if they provide detox in-house so you can prepare accordingly. Also, the counsellor who answers your call will assess the addiction and what treatment plan is best for the person.

If you need any help, please don’t hesitate to call. We help across Canada.

Our Reviews

Cynthia C.
"Very very helpful in a time of desperation. I highly recommend using their service. They have the knowledge and experience. When one place did not work out they very quickly recommended another which worked out perfectly."
Lisa B.
"Well, I'm not the best with words. I will do my best. My agent is the best person I've ever dealt with- she's been so professional, and patient and kind- and no one will ever understand how much she's helped me ..."
James B.
"The referral counsellor called me back and was extremely helpful. She talked to me, did a quick assessment and matched me up with a rehab center that I was looking for. "
Christopher A.
"They are in the business of saving lives and will stick by people to make sure they get the help they need. ARC Services should be the first number people call when they need help!"
Andrea R.
"As families are in crisis, they offer top services to ensure there loved one gets the proper help that they deserve. The addiction experts are friendly, knowledgeable, and will go above and beyond. We truly enjoy working together with ARC Services."
Luis A.
"Their knowledge, course materials and experience were a key element in my recovery. Their skills, compassion and patience helped me to go through the difficult process of early sobriety. I would recommend ARC services to anyone willing to stop using any mind altering substance."

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