We are not a detox or rehab centre, but we offer our help to find affordable detox or rehabs for Swift Current residents. Our referral counsellors have nearly twenty years of experience in the filed and can assist your family in finding the right treatment program.
Whether it is for an addiction to street drugs, alcohol misuse, or medication abuse, help is a call away. Dial our number and speak with an addiction referral counsellor to locate affordable private treatment centres for you in Swift Current. They can also help with the different aspects you might be facing. Find out more about us here.
You know that addiction is a serious condition; it doesn’t go away by itself. Struggling with substance abuse is often a losing battle. The person knows they need to quit. But when they try to do so, the withdrawal symptoms are overwhelming.
When the decision is made to get through it, the next barrier is getting the right treatment program. That is where professional referral counsellors come into play. They have the knowledge and experience to help anyone seeking recovery from a drug rehab centre. We help across Canada.
You’re not alone in Swift Current seeking help to suitable treatment programs for a loved one. Our referral counsellors have been in the field of drug rehabilitation for many years. They have helped families find the right addiction service. Not all treatment centres have the same methods of recovery. Find out more about treatment types.
Most community centres are based on the 12-step method, which does not work for everyone. Overworked counsellors often experience a revolving door of residents quitting the program and new ones coming in. Unfortunately, most public access facilities have a reduced ratio of clients to counsellors.
Learn more here:
It is difficult to know what a centre delivers just by the information on the website. That is why we strongly advise you to speak with a referral counsellor first. We will do a general assessment and ask questions to have an idea of the existing scene. From this information, they will propose options to centres adapted to your relative’s situation and personal needs.
Entering the right treatment for substance abuse is just as vital as the decision to get help. If the person is not comfortable with the program or the facility, it can compromise their recovery. For Swift Current residents, we are confident we can find a compatible rehabilitation program where the person will be comfortable.
Doing something for your loved one, in Swift Current, in the here and now, is a priority. Often parents know that their child is abusing mind-altering substances. The problem is that they don’t act fast enough and end up waiting until things get out of hand.
Substance abuse brings legal and health issues, unemployment, financial difficulties, and more. Not even take into account what damage drugs or alcohol do to the mind and spirit.
So why would you wait another minute to act? We strongly insist that you, as a parent, a friend, or a close relative, do something today. Call our addiction referral counsellor now and start the process for real salvage. You can now stop your search for a Swift Current addiction treatment program and let us help in Saskatchewan.
If you would like some support because of someone else’s addiction visit the Saskatchewan Al-Anon website for information and a meeting near you.
Exchanging freely about experiences, getting coping methods, and having someone in a similar situation to talk with can be comforting and empowering.
Our experienced addiction specialists, in the field since 1998, aim to provide cost-effective solutions for families.
ARC Services – 447 Sauriol, Qc, Qc, G1E 3M4