Addiction Habits and Behaviours 

Drug Alcohol Addiction Symptoms

Due to continual chemical alterations, some drugs are more addictive and pose a greater health risk than others. This is in part due to the components of the substance and how it affects the mood and behaviour of the user. However, the individual will show specific characteristics, habits, and behaviours because of addiction.

Drug addiction produces a drug personality with symptoms such as:

  • Mood swings
  • Unreliable
  • Dishonesty
  • May appear chronically depressed
  • Unable to finish projects
  • May begin stealing from family and friends
  • Withdrawal from those who love him
  • Unexpressed resentment and secret hatred
  • Lies to family, friends, and employers
  • Isolates self

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The Signs of a Fully Developed Addiction

Experts say four factors must be present to classify a fully developed addiction. It also permits a differentiation from other compulsive behaviours. Compulsion, craving, consequences and control are the four factors in some circles named the four Cs of addiction. You will find a description below.

 A homeless man with his dog.

Stages of


 A skeleton holding a pill bottle.

1. Compulsion

The behaviour starts with casual use. With time, it turns into an impulse. It then becomes a compulsion. When the person cannot consume the substance, it becomes agonizing. The person can become anxious. Compulsion is an absolute urge that overpowers the individual.

2. Craving

The urge to use the substance becomes a daily affair. To the drug-addicted person, living for their next hit is a way of life. When a person stops using, physical or mental effects appear. Both effects can also occur at the same time, depending on the substance of choice. Restlessness, insomnia, lack of appetite and many other symptoms can result.

3. Consequences

Even though the negativity of their use affects their family life, work, relationships and financial situation, they keep compulsively using.

4. Control

The person has lost all control over their consumption. The individual cannot cut down or eliminate the substance from their life. But can steal and secretly plan for their next hit.

 A woman vomitting.



 The human body.

Understanding Why

To a nonuser or casual alcohol/drug user, it’s difficult to understand why an addicted person doesn’t just stop—their usage snowballs into a compulsion that is difficult to control. Our experiences show that the addicted person is usually intelligent and, most often, creative.

Most had a bright future or a successful life, which only adds to the calamity of their downfall. As a person slips down the spiral, their loved ones try to deny the problem exists. This can go on for several years. This is part of the vicious cycle of addiction and has some devastating results.

 A woman drinking alone and looking sad.

Alcohol and

Drug Induced Psychosis

 A woman talking to herself trough the wall.

Drug Rehabilitation Services

When one shows addiction symptoms, choosing a therapy that works best for the individual is difficult. There are so many different methods for drug and alcohol rehabilitation in this country. 

Our Referral Services offers a free service to help you find the right place for yourself or your loved one.


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Addiction Series

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Picture of Marc J. Bernard

Marc J. Bernard

Substance Use Disorder & Recovery Professional,
Referral & Consultation Counsellor

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