You most likely heard the expression “functional addict.” Although today, the word “addict” has been put to rest, so to speak, the concept is still valid. When defining the idea of a “functional drug or alcohol user,” much has been said.
The agreed-upon understanding of this type of substance abuser is someone who, contrary to non-functional, can hold down a job and is responsible for daily affairs, including one’s own well-being. The functional person would keep a job and might care for his family and loved ones, pay the bills, etc.
In other words, he is responsible. But hidden factors make this type of substance abuser a risk.
The main difference between the person who cannot function and the other is that one is at a point of incapacity in menial affairs. It has much to do with the substance the person uses, the amount consumed, and the length of abuse.
It is common to see a person at a high-paying job abuse cocaine week after week, day after day, and dwindle to lose everything. It has been the lot of many.
Then there is another who may abuse but has a maintenance schedule. In other words, the person knows that more than x-amount will cause bad issues and less than x-amount will cause discomfort. So, they only use what is needed to maintain their lifestyle.
In certain individuals, their background, education and upbringing permit them to hold onto certain morals. You have probably heard of someone craving crack cocaine whose only option was stealing from their parents. And to sell it off to get the cash to buy their next fix. A lack of morals will do that.
Some addicted people draw the line at this activity out of respect for their parents. However, it does not mean they would not steal from the boss. But to do so, the person needs to work, thus the “appearance” of being functional like any other person.
A common denominator exists when a person abuses illicit drugs, alcohol, or prescription meds. In all cases, abuse is a solution for some underlying problem that has no immediate resolution. The unwanted problem is as varied as there are people abusing substances. Nevertheless, the person wants relief from some emotional or physical pain.
Yet, people use drugs daily and still go to work, take the kids to school and soccer practice, and clean the yard. So how does this work out? Some people use drugs and maintain their lives and duties despite their ongoing illnesses.
However, the functional addict’s activity can only go on for a certain time. It does not matter who the person is. The continued non-survival action will destroy other areas of living without fail.
There is only one road out of this downward spiral, and that is to reach out for help. Whether a casual user, daily abuser, or simply a binge user, we’re here to help you. The most commonly used route is to contact a certified referral counsellor.
This individual is well versed in all aspects of addiction. They also know which facility best suits your situation or that of a loved one. Receive fast, respectful, and confidential assistance right now. You simply need to call us or request a callback and turn your life around toward survival actions.
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Drug & Alcohol Treatment Specialist,
Referral and Consultation Counsellor and Coach
Our experienced addiction specialists, in the field since 1998, aim to provide cost-effective solutions for families.
ARC Services – 447 Sauriol, Qc, Qc, G1E 3M4